目前分類:ToastMaster_PwC (3)

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  Good evening everyone, tonight I would like to take you to discover different Hong Kong.

How many people of you have ever been to Hong Kong? But I guess you’ve not tried all kinds of transportation yet. So please follow Sonia’s exclusive guide tour to Hong Kong.

While landing in Hong Kong, the most convenient way for a passenger with bulky luggage to get to downtown is taking TAXI.


Hong Kong taxis are not too expensive compared to other major modern cities, and allow 5 people to get on at most. With more than 18,000 cruising the streets, taxis are usually easy to flag down, except at bus stops and some restricted yellow line areas. But can also be difficult to flag during rush hours.

Many taxis have a card that lists the top 50 destinations in English, Cantonese and Japanese. This is useful as most drivers don’t speak English. It’s a good idea to have your destination written down in Chinese.

 If you can afford 5 star ranking hotels, recommend you choose The Peninsula hotel to experience the Hong Kong visit sloganShopping Eating Take a break, keep shopping and eating.

Mass Transit Railway (MTR)

The MTR is clean, fast, safe and easy. Though it costs a bit more than other forms of mass transport, it is the quickest way to get to most destinations, including most business and entertainment district at Tsim Sha Tsui, the shopping Mecca and the heart of Kowloon and the famous outdoor market, Temple Street Night Market, in Yau Ma Tei, Don’t worry about insufficient time to travel around, MTR run from 6am to 1am. Fares range from HK$5 to HK$15, and you can buy Octopus Cards to buy tickets, and even can use it in some restaurant to avoid holding lots of coins.

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  Ladies and gentle men, this is Sonia’s C1 speech, it’s my pleasure to present it in this evening, and before get it started, I wish all Toastmaster’s members and guests and your family have a happy, joyful and blessed new year..

 OK ~let’s get started to introduce myself~ Sonia
Many people told me it’s hard to remember and pronounce my name, let me share a tip with you, you all know the top1 brand of LCD TV? (It’s called BRAVIA), and who is the producer? (It’s SONY) Let’s put them together SONY(左手) and BRAVIA= goes to SONIA, it’s easier to remember, right?
I was born on February 23 and grew up in Tainan City, that is a city famous for traditional yummy snacks and many meaningful historical architectures, the living style there is relaxed, leisurely, peaceful and carefree, unlike most children and young age students living in Taipei, I rarely spent time attending cram school, oppositely most of my after school activity was playing volleyball in the school and had fun at the beach. Those experiences and memory trained me become enthusiastic about everything and easygoing with everyone.

 When I was 19, I moved to Taipei to start my university life in Accounting Dept., Fu-Jen University. Graduated from Fu-Jen University, I was honored to be recruited by PwC. I’ve been working at PwC since 2001, as an auditor in the past 6 years, however, to avoid horrible job load I transferred to risk management department in September last year. 

While needing releasing my pressure, I usually travel around, especially not joining group tour; I only want to be a backpacker. One of my impressed travel experiences was visiting New York City three years ago, I spent almost 1 month to plan it, everyday when I finished my work; I stayed at office to search tour guide information, bid the last minute hotel, and compare the fare of flight ticket. Before I visited Big Apple, I could imagine how charming it was. Finally I headed there, and taking cab to my sublet apartment at Queens. Although I didn’t sleep well on the plane in 18 flight hours, I felt energetic to start my journey. When I got to my first scenic spot-Central Park, it was too late all pubic facility were closed, including the restroom, so I went to the surrounding Café to use their restroom, fortunately something happened~

I saw a group of body guards and paparazzi; did u know who was there? Maria Carrie. She stood just 10 meters in front of me, actually she didn’t keep her shape well, and she looked a little bit plump but her smile was sweet as usual. That was the most impressed memory of my trip in NYC.

 Wow I ‘m so glad having this opportunity to introduce myself to all toastmaster members and guests, at the end of my speech, let me enhance and recap some of my speech to you. My name is Sonia; I am an easygoing person with love, passion and enthusiasm to do everything and make friends, and I love to travel around as a backpacker, if you want to get more information about me, please make a phone call to Assurance Risk Management Department or keep joining Toastmaster’s activity, then we can get familiar with each other. Toastmaster of the evening.

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今天在同事的邀請下參加了PwC ToastMaster Club (http://www.toastmasters.org/default.aspx) 用英文演說真不事件簡單的事要能口齒清晰 還要附有個人特色 吸引眾人目光今天去"試聽" 還挺喜歡這種學英文的互動方式的就像是去年參加EIE CAMP 可以一起用英文分享,從旁人的互動中學習正確的英文,這樣有趣多了~ 今天來當evaluator的 都是各台灣區得MEMBER有台灣人也有外國人除了糾正文法用語 重要的是 給你一些實用的PRESENT技巧 (今天一去也被要求用英文表達意見,外國老師說我說話會"亡羊補牢" 後面會去修飾前面的錯誤,還挺妙的) 我喜歡聽別人演講 可以發現別人不同見解的觀點 還有表達方式 特別是能用英文的英文好的 不一定敢在別人表達 但有些人卻很有演說的魅力 雖然用的是很簡單的字眼另外今天又看到好多未曾謀面的同事 從她們的臉 我猜都不是AUDITOR 真的~一群人裡 有特色的真的都不是AUDITORㄟ還是要多跟其他人聊聊 看看別人的行為 不要只是活在過去...... 不過麻煩的是,ToastMaster和特務J兩週衝堂一次ㄟ 怎麼辦~兩個我都想上!!!!

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